Why are YOU voting Republican?

Snark Alert! Snark Alert! Snark Alert!

This video explains why many people are voting Republican in the upcoming election.

Take a look at it and tell me why YOU are voting Republican. I can’t wait to see your comments!


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  1. pwilden said,

    June 11, 2008 at 11:55 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I can’t wait for the Democrats to bring on Armaggedon. I want to go to heaven now.

  2. xscorpionx said,

    June 12, 2008 at 12:45 am

    Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who votes Republican in this or any other election deserves every social malady that will befall them in the future. Republicans always have been, and always will be the party of big corporate interests, as proven yesterday when they the senate GOP members halted the attempt by Democrats to repeal the billion dollar tax breaks the big oil companies were given by, guess who, yeah Republicans, and killed the proposal to impose heavy taxes on big oil’s profits. Any working class American voter who votes Republican after hearing this sort of news is a complete and total MORON. There is an old saying that goes, “Stupidity should be rewarded”, and these last 8 years are a perfect reward for all the morons who put Dubyuh in for two terms. Enjoy your misery, idiots!

  3. Robt said,

    June 12, 2008 at 2:15 am

    I vote republican because I want to be like Rush Limbaugh.

    Voting republican is voting for true patriots and a real war hero like Dick Cheney who was forced to get five deferments from vietnam because he had more important things to do. Its those democrats that are lazy and need to fight our wars because they don’t appreciate America like republicans.

    Voting republican because my parents instilled their family values on me and even though I’m a grown adult. I have no will of my own to vote for the best candidate when it is not my instilled party I am loyal to. Its like growing up with the KKK and passing its heritage with loyalty on to your kids.

    Because republicans are better people that care. And their human to like, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, and Diaper David Vitter.

    Because republican’s God and religion is better than yours.

    Republicans can become president and play cowboy. Even though their supposed to be adults with serious responsibilities of America they can live in fantasy worlds.

    One thing for sure is, republicans hate dictators. Because they threaten their own dictatorial ambitions and turff…

    Voting for republicans means you’ll never vote for sin or a sinner. Just ask them if they have sinned. They’ll tell you they don’t.

    Lastly (for now),
    Republican votes strongly ensure that people are self reliant. Unless your Bear Stearns. A republican that in need of campaign money or is in dire need of our votes can be the only exception to Americans helping Americans.
    (But really they aren’t getting a hand out, their being bought by big business.)

  4. Zooey said,

    June 12, 2008 at 7:53 am

    Great video, MizzJ. 😆

    Seriously, anyone thinking about sitting out this election because Hillary didn’t get the nomination, think about this:

    How will you feel if you stay home on election day, and McCain wins?

    Voting is a precious right — we have fought and died for the right to vote. Sure, you have a right not to vote, but I don’t want to hear any complaining if you sat home.

    Voting is your civic duty — DO IT!!

  5. jeffduff said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:13 am

    Well, I guess I will get to be the only Republican voter to answer your question.

    I am more a conservative than a Republican … and I would vote for a conservative Democrat, if I could find one. Henrey David Thoreau said it best: “That government governs best, which governs least.”

    To be honest, I can barely stomach John McCain, who is as liberal as most ‘moderate’ Democrats. But, despite my serious reservations about McCain, I have to admit the Democrats will help me vote Republican again by nominating Barack Obama.

    What have I got against Obama?:

    1) Wants to turn 15% of the American private sector into a giant government program. (Problem: Have you ever noticed all the problems with that other national health system, the Veteran’s Administration?)

    2) Almost no real experience at almost anything, except going to school, community ‘organizing’, running for political offices and making friends with leftists and radicals.

    3) Obama is endorsed by most big government liberals, socialists, marxists, terrorist leaders, medial leftists and, of course, Hollywood types.

    4) Doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of ‘national security’, ‘love of country’ or ‘audacity of change’. Obama will have the big-spending and taxing policies of Lyndon Johnson combined with the keen-eyed personality of Jimmy Carter. (Full disclosure: I voted for Jimmy Carter and spent the next four years regreting my vote.)

    5) Living near Chicago and Illinois, it is not reassuring to me that Obama is a political product of their corrupt Democratic party machines.

    6) I can’t stand to spend the next four years listening to the millionaire Obamas – both Barack and Michelle – whining about how tough things are for their family.

    THEREFORE, you can see that my reason I will vote for McCain is much more about voting against Obama and much less about my ‘excitement’ about voting for a Rockefeller Republican named John McCain.

  6. Paul said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:38 am

    I’m voting Republican, because like jeffduff above, I’ve had a prefrontal lobotomy, and it’s greatly simplified all issues in my life.

  7. tehporp said,

    June 12, 2008 at 9:07 am

    I am voting Republican because God want’s me to. Blacks, like Obama, are descendants of Cain, they are marked forever to eternal damnation. Besides, everyone knows, the whiter the skin, the purer the soul. And no candidate has whiter skin than McCain. He is God’s chosen candidate. He alone will lead us to victory over the descendants of Ishmael.

    Only by purifying the human race will we be ready to usher in Christ’s 1000 year reign and live in peace and harmony.

  8. Scott said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:34 am

    I really believe that the Democrats are out of control . I believe they would vote for the devil as long as he called himself a Democrat. I wonder what is the morals of God. Read your Bible, and find out the truth. God is not a Democrat or a Republican. He is true. He has morals on the other hand, the devil is full of lies. I wonder, what is the morals of the devil. if you read the Bible and found out his morals. He is lies, and your TV articles is full of lies. There are more conservative than you can imagine. You will not win in 2009

  9. jeffduff said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:48 am

    Alas, I have to go to work and can not stay here to read all of the personal attacks against me.

    Either deal with the question raised by this bloghost in a sensible and rational fashion … or admit that you are against Republicans for irrational reasons and give up on rational debate.

  10. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:56 am

    Scott, here’s a question for you: Who Would Jesus Torture?

    Come back when you can answer that.

  11. Shayne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 11:25 am

    I’m voting Republican because John McCain is all warm and fuzzy like my grandpa, only older, and Barack Obama is a scary black man, just like all black men are scary.
    Sure, grandpa would never have called grandma a c*nt, but that’s only because grandma wasn’t afraid of him like Cindy is afraid of John. BUT, calling your wife the worst name for women isn’t nearly as bad as practicing a “terrorist fist bump” with your wife, is it?

  12. Shayne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 11:27 am

    Hi Paul and jeffduff, I’ve had me one of those lobotomies too!

  13. moniqueth3intern said,

    June 12, 2008 at 11:47 am

    Great awesome video.

  14. TideDruid said,

    June 12, 2008 at 11:49 am

    I’m voting Republican because I actually care about solving the gas issue and not just causing average Americans to pay for a windfall profit tax.

  15. June 12, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    Tide, you do realize that McCain’s policy of placing a windfall tax on the oil companies will only drive oil prices up and thus, gas, as the companies will simply “make up” their profits by raising the price of gas right?

  16. badbobsblog said,

    June 12, 2008 at 2:26 pm

    Ah!! Another pathetic display of pretzel logic by the hopelessly clueless liberal left. The sophomoric video further’s the misguided belief that Obama’s “Robin Hood” economics will solve the country’s problems. Too bad he doesn’t understand basic economics and simple math. But if the liberal’s want to follow the lunatic fringe into an Amercia of Socialism, don’t blame us Republican’s when it all comes crashing down….

  17. asdfasdf said,

    June 12, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    I’m voting Republican because if I wanted to live in a socialist country I’d move to China.

  18. June 12, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    I am voting Republican because only old pasty white guys who support Bush’s policies will do. 🙂

    Free Obama ’08 bumper sticker for those who are interested…


  19. oneiroi said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    While I do think Jeffdud has some valid opinions on why he wouldn’t vote for Obama…I think a lot of it are misconceptions that A) Don’t matter B) Are exaggerations from smear campaigns.

    Obama has some friends of all walks of life, sometimes they have different points of views, like one of the one people likes to site is pro-palestine used to work for the Clintons. Who cares? No one was upset then. It’s all feeding into some paranoid conspiracy theory that Obama is secretly a communist muslim or something. He’ll take over the government! It’s silly.

    Also throwing around leftists and liberals isn’t really scary to Democrats. It’s been vilified by the right. So yeah if you’re part of that group, feel free to be scared of “leftists”. I also don’t think anyone is scared of Hollywood liking a candidate except…radio talk show hosts. And that only goes for Hollywood people are Democrats, not Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chuck Norris.

    But as a candidate claiming to be past partisan divides and compromise. Who has said good words about Republicans in general, I would expect him to work towards the middle. Especially if he wants to be reelected on the promises he made while running.

    Obama is one of the least wealthy of all the major candidates in, I would say, decades. All of his money came from books that he himself wrote. His fortune wasn’t given to him by his father or his rich family. He was making $20,000 out of Harvard. So while yes he’s rich mostly over the past 5 years, I think that attacking him while supporting nearly any other candidate is just funny.

    I love how you said “go to school”, but by go to school you mean go to college for a political science degree and eventually teach constitutional law. As someone who went to college for political science, I think that’s an invaluable credential which most candidates/presidents don’t have. Add those years on top of working with real people in the community (not sitting in your office), and eight years as an elected official in government…are all enough experiences. Having more experience than that would be fine, but doesn’t necessarily mean anything if the person isn’t a good leader.

    I think some industries have gone the wrong way since privatization like energy (Enron), and the health care system being mostly private has ruined the industry. And it’s interesting that you mention veterans, because isn’t the VA Hospital used as an example of how great something by the government can be run if done right?

    And while he may have had help by political machines in the past, for the general Clintons were the Democrat political machine and they lost. Most of Obama’s help came from the tide of single time donors of less than 50 dollars. That’s not a political machine.

    In the end, besides your opinions on the economy, I don’t think your criticisms on his person are that dire. I think there are too many ways the country is headed in the wrong direction, and McCain isn’t the way of changing it. We would have another conservative judge on the Supreme Court who would tip the balance in the courts for decades, we would have little change in policy in Iraq, we would never improve our health care system, little improvement on environment, and torture and secret prisons would continue. We need something more than, just barely altered positions over the next 4 years.

  20. maxtangent said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:18 pm

    What makes anyone believe there is a real difference between the two parties? Didn’t the Dems continually fund the occupation of Iraq and continued hostilities in Afghanistan even though they were elected to Congress to do the opposite?

    They are two grotesque heads of the same monster. The agenda is the same regardless of who is in power.
    The token leaders will say whatever it takes to get elected and then spin reasons why they can’t live up to their electoral promises.

    Remember G.W. Bush preaching smaller government and no nation building?
    Has Obama promised to end the occupation?

  21. oneiroi said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:20 pm

    Whoa, I didn’t realize how long that would be. Sorry.

  22. hab said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    I am voting Republican because I am rich.. I mean really really rich !!

  23. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:33 pm

    hab, that’s rich! 😀

  24. oneiroi said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:37 pm

    I thought the same as you…until I lived through 8 years of Bush. I saw a Democratic Presidency and I saw a Republican Presidency. I’ve watched the debates and seen what each side will try to do. I think it’s foolish to just shrug it off like you have.

    Yes it’s hard to make sweeping changes, but that’s because of the way our government works and the way the people are divided. It’s incremental, but there are very real laws being passed that affect our lives that depend on that different ideology.

  25. Lew Scannon said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:37 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I know all the electronic voting machines are already rigged and I want to be on the winning team this time!!!

  26. (: Tom :) said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:50 pm

    I’m voting Republican’t because if I want to live in a police state.

    I’m voting Republican’t because Exxon deserves to make billions in profit while refusing to pay a judgement they are legally required to for over twenty years now!

    I’m voting Republican’t because nothing says family values like dumping your wife for somebody twenty years younger who is immensely rich.

    I’m voting Republican’t because the One True God told me I had to or I would go to hell.

    I’m voting Republican’t because I want to work sixty hours a week for forty hours pay, and put the extra earnings in my CEO’s pocket.

    I’m voting Republican’t because I love it when cronyism lets rich white guys (literally) get away with murder.

    I’m voting Republican’t because there are some people somewhere in the world that don’t hate all americans. Yet.

    I’m voting Republican’t because there isn’t enough religion in my government.

    I’m voting Republican’t because I want more religously insane Supreme Court Justices. And more religiously insane government employees that will have to give their fealty to the Lord or get put in the stocks for a week.

    I’m voting Republican’t because I believe all the unfounded, unsourced allegations coming from Republican’ts all day every day.

    Plus: bonus Republican’t cognitive dissonance:

    jeffduff said,

    Either deal with the question raised by this bloghost in a sensible and rational fashion … or admit that you are against Republicans for irrational reasons and give up on rational debate.

    jeffduff also said,

    What have I got against Obama?:

    1) Wants to turn 15% of the American private sector into a giant government program. (Problem: Have you ever noticed all the problems with that other national health system, the Veteran’s Administration?)

    I can’t quite recall where Obama actually said this – but if a Republican’t believes it, it must be true!

    2) Almost no real experience at almost anything, except going to school, community ‘organizing’, running for political offices and making friends with leftists and radicals.

    As opposed to McClueLess the Flip Flopping old guy who can’t remember what he says ten minutes after he says it?

    At least he doen’t trowel the makeup on like certain c*nts he mentioned…

    3) Obama is endorsed by most big government liberals, socialists, marxists, terrorist leaders, medial leftists and, of course, Hollywood types.

    As opposed to McClueLess being endorsed by religiously insane preachers, fascists, other terrorist leaders, terrorist nations, fat cat corpo-weasels, and, of course, unrepentant hypocritical Repulibcan’t Putsch fellators.

    4) Doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of ‘national security’, ‘love of country’ or ‘audacity of change’. Obama will have the big-spending and taxing policies of Lyndon Johnson combined with the keen-eyed personality of Jimmy Carter. (Full disclosure: I voted for Jimmy Carter and spent the next four years regreting my vote.)

    An awesome demonstraton of clairvoyant abilities this is, to actually read Obama’s mind, and tell the world exactly what he’s thinking and why he’s thinking it. Unless, of course, it’s just a pile of Republican’t propaganda that certain people get their jollies by spewing on a regular basis…

    5) Living near Chicago and Illinois, it is not reassuring to me that Obama is a political product of their corrupt Democratic party machines.

    Living in the US of A, it has not been reassuring to me that a drunken cokeheaded deserter during wartime, who claimed to be a uniterer not a dividerer and being a spirit of bipartisan comity to DC, was installed in the White House against the will of the american people by a bunch of Republican’ts on the Supreme Court.

    6) I can’t stand to spend the next four years listening to the millionaire Obamas – both Barack and Michelle – whining about how tough things are for their family.

    Whereas the whines of the oil executroids, and all the poor gazillionaires who might have to get by with two summer homes if they have to pay a few dollars more in taxes, seem to be music to your ears.

    What’s that word again? Hyp-, hypo-, Republican’t! Yeah – that’s it…

  27. Ralph the Wonder Llama said,

    June 12, 2008 at 3:57 pm

    I am voting Republican because my friend Daryll told that all libs are filthy and Republicans are God’s Chosen Party™ and also because the democrat congress has lower approval ratings than our glorious president who will be vindicated by history, if they don’t bring charges.

  28. chingebush said,

    June 12, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    I am voting Republican because I refuse to believe that Bush has done anything wrong and I want to continue his visionary policies. Most (80%) of my fellow Americans can’t see the vision that Bush has, and don’t understand that in the long run, the torture, the discretionary war, the imprisonment of possible terrorists and the sowing of the seeds of hate amongst Muslims will be good for our world.

    Maybe not so good for the USA, but hey, how short sighted is that?

    Bush listens to a different Father and is ushering in the second coming of Jesus. Only through chaos and violent upheaval can He make his way back. You can’t make a Jesus omelet without scrambling a few eggs.

    And McSame won’t change a thing. So join me in sowing the seeds of chaos and together we will leave this planet a smoking mess. Rejoice!

  29. Steve said,

    June 12, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Actually, I am not voting Republican—but since I’m supposed to give you A Reason why I am voting Republican, then I will be doing so because the world is a Very Evil Place, full of Very Evil Creatures known as Evil Republicans. I will be More Evil than they ever imagined being, so they will flock to me as their Natural Glorious Leader, and I will tell them to all stay home while I vote for them—which is a classic Evil Republican Ploy, since we all know that Republicans are extremely addicted to efficiency. Then, to demonstrate my Uber-Efficiency, I will follow my own advice, stay home on Election Day, and watch the returns as NO ONE AT ALL VOTES REPUBLICAN. Thus, my One Single Vote becomes not only more powerful than all the rigged voting machines in the United States combined, but will be recognized as the Ultimate Act of Voter Disenfranchisement, short-circuiting Dick Cheney’s Evil Borg Heart and exposing Karl Rove as a Patently Amateur Hack with absolutely no Evil Genius Imagination at all.

  30. IOKIYAR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 4:43 pm

    I’m voting Republican because…

    …no matter how foul your actions are, IOKIYAR.

  31. maxtangent said,

    June 12, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    I haven’t shrugged off anything. I am merely presenting the case that the two major parties have an identical agenda.

    Which was better, Clinton or Busht? Wasn’t it America’s collective disgust with Clinton’s leadership that led to the Republican dominance?

    I think it’s naive to believe that sweeping changes cannot be introduced. Have you forgotten the horribly misnamed Patriot Act so quickly? How long did it take America to become a pro-torture country?

    Maybe it’s time to walk a different path and get rid of BOTH corrupt parties. I’m not sure how much longer the world can handle the ‘lesser of two evils’ status quo.

  32. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 4:49 pm

    America’s collective disgust was not with Clinton’s leadership, it was due to hearing about blow-jobs 24/7 for how many months. He lied about getting a blow-job. BFD! But with Fox, et al, playing it in continuous loop, even *I* got tired of it. And I could care less about who’s doing whom. Run the damned government!

    It had nothing to do with leadership.

    How long was Foley, Craig, Vitter in the limelight? No where near as long as Clinton. IOKIYAR. Period. And to top it off, Fox is famous for putting a (D) to a Gooper official when they so choose.

    That said, there are good and bad. I will take the Dem bad over the Gooper really, really bad any day.

  33. Bob said,

    June 12, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    I am voteing Republican because, even though I am a married man with two children, I like to have sex with other men.

  34. Danp said,

    June 12, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    I can’t quite be sure Grandma is going to die in 2010. But it would absolutely kill her if she had to pay estate taxes.

  35. Shade Tail said,

    June 12, 2008 at 5:23 pm

    1) Wants to turn 15% of the American private sector into a giant government program.

    Link to prove this is true. Then explain why anyone should care, considering how huge a failure the private sector has been.

    (Problem: Have you ever noticed all the problems with that other national health system, the Veteran’s Administration?)

    Yeah. They all come about because of privitization, under-funding, and basically being broken by a bunch of GOPers who claim that government doesn’t work and then set out to prove it.

    2) Almost no real experience at almost anything, except going to school, community ‘organizing’, running for political offices and making friends with leftists and radicals.

    And running government. And passing laws. And explaining things in complete sentences which turn out to be truths rather than lies. Things that Bush and McCain both seem to have trouble with.

    3) Obama is endorsed by most big government liberals, socialists, marxists, terrorist leaders, medial leftists and, of course, Hollywood types.

    Again, link to prove this is true. And, again, then explain why anyone should care.

    4) Doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of ‘national security’, ‘love of country’ or ‘audacity of change’.

    If you think this, then you are very unobservant. He understands them better than McCain (and you, apparently).

    Obama will have the big-spending and taxing policies of Lyndon Johnson combined with the keen-eyed personality of Jimmy Carter.

    Good, because they actually worked.

    5) Living near Chicago and Illinois, it is not reassuring to me that Obama is a political product of their corrupt Democratic party machines.

    Yawn. Ad hominem fallacies are unimpressive. Try again.

    6) I can’t stand to spend the next four years listening to the millionaire Obamas – both Barack and Michelle – whining about how tough things are for their family.

    OK, when I said “try again” I meant “try something different”.

    Either deal with the question raised by this bloghost in a sensible and rational fashion … or admit that you are against Republicans for irrational reasons and give up on rational debate.

    Oh dear. You lie and prevaricate and get all your “information” from Fox Propaganda, and then get all hot and bothered when people treat you like the uninformed hack you are. Child, I have no sympathy for you. Come back when your head isn’t filled with fluff anymore.

  36. What's a Sequitur said,

    June 12, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I will make a mint off the convention in St Paul this year with my subversive bumper stickers and tees. Yay, money!

    I’m voting Republican because they are going to lose big time.

  37. Caleb said,

    June 12, 2008 at 5:58 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I want my home foreclosed because cleaning is such a hassle.

    I’m voting Republican because I hate brown people

  38. locanicole said,

    June 12, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    Im voting republican because I deserve to be punished for having 2 kids outside the sanctity of marriage…and anyway, anyone having sex just deserves to be punished (unless of course you are paying for a prostitute…that’s just good business sense)..

  39. libra said,

    June 12, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    I’m voting Republican because only Republican-stacked Supreme Court can assure me that women will continue to be paid less than men. That’s the only way they’ll stay home and have babies, like the Bible tells them to, instead of taking jobs away from men and making them feel impotent. Republicans are the only ones who care about family values.

  40. Neo said,

    June 12, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    I’m voting Republican
    – because I think the retention pond in my subdivision really is a wetland.
    – because the police have nothing to fear from hunters with assault weapons.
    – because I think it is good to cut taxes in wartime and devalue the dollar.
    – because I own Exxon stock and enjoy watching oil prices skyrocket.
    – because the tax write-off on my Porsche SUV is bigger than the annual salary of the waitress that serves me at the country club.
    – because I see nothing perverse about the concept of a “free speech zone”.

  41. Jill said,

    June 12, 2008 at 6:50 pm

    I am voting Republican because schools should be teaching children lies. I don’t want my child to know the truth about sex and birth control. Only whores use the pill.

  42. Shalimar said,

    June 12, 2008 at 6:53 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I’m poor and deserve being economically raped by people with greater moral values than myself (especially the great biblical values of greed, dishonesty and hatred of those who aren’t like me; I obviously need more of those to be successful in our great society).

  43. aristedes said,

    June 12, 2008 at 7:06 pm


    I’m voting Republican because I want John McCain to call me a trollop and a cunt, too. Do I just need to mention his hair?

  44. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 7:28 pm

    BTW, anyone interested in where the “cunt” comment (above) came from, watch this:

    McCain and the “C Bomb”

  45. PJ said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I don’t think veterans deserve to have health care or go to college unless they have rich parents and/or trophy wives.

  46. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    PJ, let’s not forget collecting disability and a Senate salary and SSI. Trifecta of living off the government teat.

    I’m voting Republican so I can bemoan helping others while I rake in the governmental buckaoronies.

    One has to aspire to something.

  47. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:33 pm

    Oh, here’s another prime reason to vote Republican.


  48. PJ said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:41 pm

    As a certifiable nymphomaniac, I’m voting Republican because their policies accurately reflect my personal philosophy that there is nothing on earth more important for us to think about than SEX. Especially any sex other people may be having, and any methods they may be using that I would like to … analyze.

  49. PJ said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:49 pm

    (OK, last one – I promise!)

    I’m voting Republican because I enjoy watching Amtrak die a slow, tortured and painful death. Once it is finally put out of its misery, we can all get down to the important business of driving more often.

  50. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:57 pm

    Oh, PJ, don’t stop, please! I am totally diggin’ it!

    I’m going to get around to posting a bunch of Why’s for myself soon. Feeling a little lazy now (not to mention preparing for a lengthy biz trip), but, hey, we have several months to say Why We’re Voting Republican!

  51. Susan said,

    June 12, 2008 at 8:58 pm

    I’m voting Republican because…..

    Wait. No way.

    I’m not voting Republican.

    Obama 2008, baby.

  52. Dee Loralei said,

    June 12, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    I’m voting Republican because MsJoanne’s been pimping this column all over the liberal blogosphere looking for respondants. 😛

  53. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 9:12 pm

    MsJoanne…blogwhore extraordinaire!


    Dee, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it!

  54. TR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    I’m voting Republican because the only way to solve the economic mess and foreign policy disasters of this current administration is to do exactly what they’ve been doing for four more years.

    Also, I’m functionally retarded.

  55. sparrow said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:08 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I believe in the dictum: mine and more mine.

  56. TR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    I’m voting Republican because Barack Obama is such an elitist. Raised by a single mother on food stamps. And his wife who went to public schools? Well, lah-dee-dah!

    Not like good old John McCain, who divorced his first wife to marry a beer heiress and now owns eight houses. He’s just regular folk! We all have fathers and grandfathers who were admirals, right?! Right?

  57. TR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:13 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I believe “supporting the troops” begins and ends with a car magnet, especially one that was made in China. This Democratic idea of a new G.I. Bill to take care of our veterans and thank them for their service, that’s socialism or communism or something.

  58. TR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:14 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I believe patriotism begins and ends with a flag pin. As long as you have that on like a good Republican, you can trample the Constitution, steal money from the government, and engage in all the hot gay sex you want, Larry Cragi style!

  59. TR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:16 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I want my grandchildren to develop character.

    If we can saddle them with an unprecedented national debt, a bankrupt economy, an infrastructure to rival the Third World, and a shattered standing in foreign affairs, my grandkids are going to really have to work hard to survive. If we just hand them over a strong and safe country, they’ll get spoiled.

  60. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:17 pm

    TR, you have the best sense of humor.

    HUGE thanks to all the snarkers…you guys ROCK!!

    And do keep ’em coming! I am enjoying this BIG TIME!!

  61. TR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    Oh, it’s not humor. I was converted by John McCain’s speeches.

    He’s such a maverick, he’s both for and against every single issue out there. He contains multitudes!

  62. MsJoanne said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    How can you go wrong when you’re for it before you’re against it?

    Oh, wait….

  63. jay said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:29 pm

    I’m voting Republican to ensure every trip to the john is fraught with excitement.

  64. TR said,

    June 12, 2008 at 10:31 pm

    I’m voting Republican because, the way things are going, this may be the last year they’re around.

    Or, for that matter, the rest of us.

  65. TCinLA said,

    June 12, 2008 at 11:00 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I’m about the lose the over-priced house I was stupid enough to buiy at the top of the bubble and the only way I will be able to save iit is when the my stock in Blackwater rises under the McCain Administration. Where would we be without a good war????

  66. June 13, 2008 at 12:01 am

    I’m voting Republican because I pee in my pants whenever the Terror Alert Level is raised.

    I’m voting Republican because Toby Keith told me to.

    I’m voting Republican because I get a stiffie whenever I hear that we nailed another terrorist bad guy.

    I’m voting Republican because NASCAR told me to.

    I’m voting Republican because, quite frankly, I’ll be dead by the time our huge, multi-trillion-dollar national debt is due, so I won’t give a shit.

    I’m voting Republican because Ben Stein told me to. And Ben Stein was in one of my favorite movies. So I have to listen to him.

    I’m voting Republican because I believe that health care should be a for-profit industry, with maximizing profits for the shareholders being the primary purpose of having the system, and not healing the sick and comforting the dying.

    I’m voting Republican because some guys dressed in black and wearing earpieces stopped at my house and ordered me to, or else I would die. Then they shot my dog.

    I’m voting Republican because I believe in caveat emptor (Let the Buyer Beware). Safety testing only adds to the cost of the final product.

    And finally, I’m voting Republican because today, and today alone, matters, far more than yesterday or tomorrow. You managed to survive yesterday, and you can’t worry about surviving tomorrow until you’ve finished surviving today.

  67. Robt said,

    June 13, 2008 at 2:47 am

    I can see there are some great American Republican comments.

    Oops, I forgot, Republican first and American second.

    Absolutely will I vote republican. Because they wear American Flag lepel pens.

    They believe in that rugged individualism (gated communities) and servants at the lowest cost.

    Because health care isn’t for everybody !!!!!!!! Only those that can afford it.

  68. PJ said,

    June 13, 2008 at 6:21 am

    I am voting Republican because, as a lizard, I believe the earth is entirely too cold. Down with coral reefs, up with deserts!

  69. PJ said,

    June 13, 2008 at 6:24 am

    I’m voting Republican because I believe the small print on mortgage contracts should be so small that no one can actually read it. It does need to be there, though, so we can continue to blame people who are trapped into bad mortgage deals for their own bankruptcy. After all, this is America, and I believe in rugged individualism for both oligarchs and their helpless victims.

  70. PJ said,

    June 13, 2008 at 6:32 am

    I’m voting Republican because we must fight for the rights of human embryos – and then fight against their rights as soon as they are born.

    (OK, that really was the last one.)

  71. Russo said,

    June 13, 2008 at 7:10 am

    I’m voting Republican because Fox News told me to.

    I’m also voting Republican because we need to protect fetuses, but I don’t want to pay for taxes supporting those kids that were born. If they didn’t want to have a kid, they shouldn’t have had sex, and instead gone to church and prayed together to Jeebis.

    I’m also voting Republican so if I become brain dead in an accident, and was possessed by satan to say I want to die if in a vegetative state, I want the government to prolong my life, bills, and suffering so that my body can help fuel the insurance industry and my family’s expense.

  72. jeffduff said,

    June 13, 2008 at 7:13 am

    I think I deserve a Thank You from someone posting on this blog … or maybe just from JoAnne herself. JoAnne has 70 posts on this topic in just over a day – many of them just to blast me and what I said in my 2 posts!

    I am pleased to have motivated so many of you to such heights of creativity. I am willing to write on other folks’ blogs, to help them ratchet up the excitement and visitor count, too. In addition, I also work weddings, labor meetings and bar mizvahs! Don’t forget to tip your hostess!

  73. curlymo said,

    June 13, 2008 at 7:20 am

    For the past two terms our nation has shown it’s true “color”. Not only do I expect McCain to win, I’m praying that Obama has the good sense to not become a martyr:

    Hillary Clinton is right…about something

  74. lenko said,

    June 13, 2008 at 9:20 am

    I’m voting Republican because the voices in my head tell me to…. they scream at me in the night… make them stop — pllleeease! My tablets — have you seen my tablets? Aaaarrgghhh… my brain hurts.

  75. Franklin said,

    June 13, 2008 at 9:23 am

    I’m voting Republican because I want to visit Cuba someday. I just need to have my name mistaken for a suspected terrorist, and they’ll have a room waiting for me in sunny paradise, where I can stay for years (I won’t even be accused of any crime)!

  76. Freedom Rebel said,

    June 13, 2008 at 10:09 am

    I love this video. I couldn’t stop laughing. Great job Ms Joanne.

    I’m Voting Republican, because the Dow Chemical company is dumping toxic waste in my river and the Republicans don’t want to put them out of business by making them clean in up. Republicans support Big Business to ensure jobs in America…

    Thank you for inviting me Ms. Joanne, have a great day!!!

  77. Keith H. said,

    June 13, 2008 at 10:19 am

    I’m voting republican for two reastons:
    1. Because they talk about gawd, they’re christian people, and that’s what I’m about.
    2. Because I’m going to have more money in my pocket from all of the awesome tax breaks.

  78. witch1 said,

    June 13, 2008 at 10:55 am

    I’m voting republican because the chemichel labotamy is working so well…I do love all the spinich and tainted tomatoe’s as well…Blessings

  79. Robert the Bastard said,

    June 13, 2008 at 11:35 am

    I’m voting Republican because I’m sick and tired of our schools trying to teach our children “science” with all of its “evidence” and “verifiable facts”. Our children should be free to fly like birds, but as long as liberal teachers keep trying to force silly ideas like gravity and physics down their throat, that’s just not going to happen. Republicans have the opportunity to make this planet the best that it has been in the whole 6,000 years that it has existed, and I want to be a part of that!

  80. witch1 said,

    June 13, 2008 at 11:38 am

    I’m voting republican because I love their idea of retro active birth control through war’s and because with them in charge I don’t have to think…Blessings

  81. MsJoanne said,

    June 13, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    Jeffduff, thanks for stopping by. The one out of 79 posts which responded directly to your post was an amazing addition to the commentary.

    The two addressing your apparent lobotomy were equally as impressive.

    Bully for you for engaging all of us progressives. And for driving the amazing amount of traffic to thIS site.

    The more than 12,000 people who have followed my posts in the last 30 days had nothing to do with the number of comments. It was all you.

    And, again to all of my commenters: YOU GUYS ROCK!

  82. witch1 said,

    June 13, 2008 at 12:40 pm

    MsJoanne, the reason we rock is because you are the leader of the band…Blessings

  83. jeffduff said,

    June 13, 2008 at 12:40 pm

    Joanne, thank you. I’m always happy to help out a lady.

  84. witch1 said,

    June 13, 2008 at 12:44 pm

    I’m voting republican because they are in favor of killing off all those pesty wolve,s, wildlife , leveling everything and turning the world into one big parking lot no one has to feed or maintain….Mostly I’m voting republican because they are so much fun to watch now that I am sedated with all those pretty tomatoes……Blessings

  85. bad_robbie said,

    June 13, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    I’m voting Republican because nature is trying to kill us with poison monkeys.

  86. bad_robbie said,

    June 13, 2008 at 2:17 pm

    I’m also voting Republican because a false dilemma told me if I didn’t it would conflate something big and bad with my vote.

  87. Elliot said,

    June 13, 2008 at 10:50 pm

    I’m voting Republican because soul-crushing poverty is a God-given right that should be enjoyed by all except those noble souls that make more than 200,000 dollars a year. It only looks like they’re laughing at us, but they’re really suffering more than anyone. Really.

  88. Human Cannonball said,

    June 13, 2008 at 10:51 pm

    I’m voting Republican because they will protect my Second Amendment right to be fired from my cannon.

  89. MsJoanne said,

    June 13, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Oh, Elliot, don’t you remember that “the President suffers more than anyone” (about the war) as spoken by First Lady Laura Bush.

    Someone just posted this on Crooks and Liars and this is the most powerful video of suffering in the US that I have seen.

    Yup, there’s your reason right there to vote Republican! Watch the above video.

  90. Dew-wheeee said,

    June 13, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    I’m voting Republican because Americans really don’t want nationalized health care.

    I’m voting Republican because I beleive in nationalizing corporate losses that run into the 100’s of billions.

    I’m voting Republican because I MIGHT one day be rich and don’t want to have to pay high taxes.

    I’m voting Republican because Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and my Pastor said so.

  91. Sara said,

    June 13, 2008 at 11:42 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I think we should spend trillions more dollars killing Iraqis and Afghans for absolutely NO stated truthful reason whatsoever. It makes me sad that some, obviously traitorous Americans, think this money could be better spent on something actually constructive. I mean, how unpatriotic can you be to not want to live in a police state run by Republicans who can torture anyone on a whim by just calling them a “suspected terrorist.” After seeing their competence all areas of government including fighting wars, in being a greater disaster than natural disasters, and in improving the average American’s standard of living (which everyone knows by looking at the consumer sentiment, housing, jobs, inflation, gas prices, etc), I can’t help but vote Republican.

  92. June 14, 2008 at 12:26 am

    I’m voting Republican because I’m my own unique person, and as such, I have my own unique blend of ignorance, greed, bigotry and gullibility that compels me to vote against my own, my children’s and grandchildren’s interests, and those of 99.99999999999% of my fellow humans on the planet, so that 0.0000000000001% can live in egomaniacally gluttonous luxury and power.


  93. xoites said,

    June 14, 2008 at 12:28 am

    I am voting Republican because Obama is black. You can find out more at Bigots United for McCain (B.U.M.S.)


  94. MsJoanne said,

    June 14, 2008 at 12:31 am

    Xoites, that is an awesome blog! Everyone should definitely visit it.

    I will add you to my blogroll.

  95. xoites said,

    June 14, 2008 at 12:37 am

    Thank you, very much. 🙂

  96. last redoubt said,

    June 14, 2008 at 7:45 am

    I’m voting republican because I love the freedom and financial independence that long term unemployment provides.

  97. Ferengi said,

    June 14, 2008 at 11:13 am

    I’m voting Republican because I think citizens should have an influence equal to corporations in writing laws.

  98. Dew-wheeee said,

    June 14, 2008 at 11:38 am

    I’m voting Republican because I’m poor, uneducated, dogmatic and because Barack Obama is a muslim.

    I’m voting Republican because I know my vote will be counted and not thrown in the garbage.

  99. Ferengi said,

    June 14, 2008 at 11:49 am

    I’m voting Republican because I believe marriage is the union of one man with one woman, then another woman, then a different woman, repeat and rinse, repeat and rinse.

  100. tehporp said,

    June 14, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    I’m voting Republican because I just bought this beach-front timeshare in Nevada.

  101. michael said,

    June 15, 2008 at 12:27 am

    this video is ridiculous.

    one thing i will say about democrats is that they are ignorant morons. for example they happen to pick the only two people out of a dozen or so that were either black or a woman. call me old fashion but i guess i believe that the reason for chosing a candidate is about chosing the most qualified person for the job and ur telling me that out of the dozen or so people the top two most qualified happened to be the only woman and black guy. yeah right. this proves how dumb democrats are the race was between a black guy and a woman nothing else

  102. MsJoanne said,

    June 15, 2008 at 12:29 am

    Michael, you’re not old fashioned, you’re a fucking idiot.

    But thanks for stopping by.

    Now feel free to leave.

  103. Ceci said,

    June 15, 2008 at 12:43 am

    I’m voting republican:

    1) because the American Flag on my house can’t be too big enough. In fact, I like to wear my flag pin 24/7. I even go to sleep in my flag pin.

    2)because Halliburton and Blackwater are doing “God’s work” in the Middle East.

    3)because those “terrists” must be caught and tortured. After all the wire-tapping, military tribunals and indefinite jail sentences, America is doing all it can in terms of crapping on the law and the Geneva Conventions.

    4) Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly tell the honestt truth about the way it is.

    5) Those “libruls” are taking God out of schools and of the government, God forbid.

    6) Seven days aren’t enough for church-going and Bible-thumping.

    7) Those, gosh-darned libruls.

    8) Because the government must aid the Minutemen in building that fence and patrolling the border. After all, we only must focus on the South of the Border, right?

    9) Those brown folks must be kept out of our gated communities. AFter all, they bring down property values.

    10) We can’t have a Black man in charge of the U.S. of A. He’ll not only bring our property values down, he’ll run our American, Christian values into the ground.

    11) Women must be barefoot, pregnant and submissive to their husbands.

    12)Too many poor folks getting social giveaways from the government. We just can’t let that happen. There’s God-fearing companies like Bearn Stearns that need help.

    Hope that’s enough reasons. 😉 I’ve got to douse myself with bleach now so that the stench will clear. 😛

  104. MsJoanne said,

    June 15, 2008 at 12:46 am

    Ceci, VERY funny!

    Double dose of the bleach…don’t forget the brain (for even thinking it!) 😀

  105. oncall said,

    June 15, 2008 at 1:11 am

    101. Michael…… Wow a racist and sexist all rolled into one on the same blog post. Not bad…..Michael is the reason I am voting Republican.. the capacity to multitask is inspirational.

  106. oncall said,

    June 15, 2008 at 1:26 am

    I have other reasons that I am voting Republican:

    1. Make it easier for Diebold and Sequoia to steal the election
    2. I get hot when I hear about man on man sex and I know that I will be boiling if more Republicans get elected.
    3. I have a piece of burnt toast that looks like an elephant in the burnt part… that is God’s way of telling me to vote Republican instead of trying to sell it on e bay.
    4. I don’t think four dollars a gallon is high enough. And, I don’t think we should look for alternative sources of energy.
    5. I want a Supreme Court that will make it illegal not to torture prisoners.

  107. Ferengi said,

    June 15, 2008 at 9:25 am

    I’m voting Republican because I think it’s right that young people with more education and better job titles than their parents should have less earning power and less disposable income.

  108. Ferengi said,

    June 15, 2008 at 9:37 am

    I’m voting Republican because I’m confident that the solution to the energy crisis is to increase oil drilling in America instead of to develop renewable, alternative energy sources.

  109. Ferengi said,

    June 15, 2008 at 11:31 am

    I’m voting Republican because I believe in Special Rights. Special Rights for lobbyist-influenced legislation that favors business interests over personal rights. Special Rights for corporate executives who earn over 400 times more than their employees to pay less income taxes than the employees. And Special Rights for heterosexuals to marry and get Social Security, income tax deduction, and pension benefits that the other people don’t get.

  110. JoeW said,

    June 15, 2008 at 11:59 am

    I’m voting republican for a few reasons:
    Rich people deserve welfare more than the poor.
    Corporate fat cats aren’t sending enough jobs to China fast enough.
    Gay sex belongs in the public restroom, not in the bedroom.
    They’ll just steal it anyway.

  111. Integr8d said,

    June 16, 2008 at 5:35 pm

    I’m voting Libertarian because John McCain is a douchebag and Barack Obama is the douche juice that goes inside.

  112. Bill Day said,

    June 16, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    I am voting Republican because I believe that the civil rights laws are unnecessary and should not be enforced, except to protect Christian white men.

    P.S. Loved your comment of Carpetbagger Report vis-a-vis bringing a gun to a knife fight. Really, who would criticize lovely Cindy McCain?

  113. MNSucks said,

    June 17, 2008 at 10:30 am

    I am voting Republican because I want the right to own a gun, which I will need to shoot the poor people who try to rob me after they find out this gravy train is over.

    I am voting Republican because I want to use the money I earn for the things I want, not what someone else thinks is the best use for my money.


  114. MsJoanne said,

    June 18, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    Would that be the gravy train of having a job? Of having a job which pays enough to survive off of? You’re right, that gravy train is over. Thanks to Bush and his sycophants who have more money than every single person who has visited this blog (combined). Nothing like that family gravy train – and stealing from the US treasury (and borrowing from other countries to steal that, too).

    Corporate welfare rules!

    As for drilling here, brilliant. Maybe in 10 years, we might reap the rewards of seeing $5.00 a gallon again. You think the oil men in the WH give two shits about you, me or the price of gas? Riiiiiiiight.

  115. sandworm said,

    July 7, 2008 at 10:12 pm

    Because I have had a recent and severe head injury I have decided to vote Republican….. If I can remember WHERE to vote….

  116. MsJoanne said,

    July 7, 2008 at 10:15 pm

    Sandworm, hopefully, you have the proper ID because they have these laws now…knowing who you are might be a requisite. Oh wait, you’re voting Republican! Nevermind. Doesn’t apply.

  117. FoxNews said,

    August 10, 2008 at 11:58 pm

    I truly believe that being a Republican is a disease, it;s like having Leprosy, you don’t died from it but it makes you ugly. A republican would trade his mum to save himself, I mean look at Dick Cheney or Rush Limbaugh, how can you trust those maniac, they are just pure evil. How can you go to war based on lies, how can you reveal to the press the name of CIA people who don’t think like you, how can you bankrupt the country this fast. Four more years of Republican dictatorship and we may end up like North Korea. May God bless those poor foul.

  118. I love Fox News said,

    September 1, 2008 at 11:31 pm

    I am voting Republican because I like being told that big government doesnt work and in turn get big government from our great president George Walker Bush…I love him so. Jimmy

  119. MP said,

    September 12, 2008 at 7:27 pm


    Uncle Sam: $407 billion in the hole

    Deficit up by $246 billion in a year. Federal agency cites ‘substantial increase in spending’ and ‘halt’ in tax revenue growth. Also says it will add Fannie and Freddie to future estimates.

    By Jeanne Sahadi, CNNMoney.com senior writer

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — The budget deficit will jump by $246 billion to $407 billion this year, the Congressional Budget Office estimates in a report released Tuesday.

    “Over the long run, growing budget deficits and the resulting increases in federal debt would lead to slower economic growth,” the agency said.

    Last year, the budget deficit was $161 billion. The government’s fiscal year ends Sept. 30. The agency attributes the jump to “a substantial increase in spending and a halt in the growth of tax revenues.”
    That drop in revenue is driven in part by an estimated 15% decline in corporate tax receipts. They fell as a result of lower corporate profits and tax rules governing how businesses depreciate their investments this year. A second factor is the rebates provided to tax filers from the economic stimulus law Congress passed earlier this year.

    The spending hike is partly due to efforts by the government “to cover the insured deposits of insolvent financial institutions,” the agency said.

    To date, 11 banks have been seized by the FDIC this year – not a high number historically, but higher than it’s been in recent years – and that number is expected to grow in the coming months.

    The CBO said it expected the deficit to exceed $400 billion – or 3% of gross domestic product – for each of the next two years if current policies remain in place. It also forecast several more months of “very slow” economic growth.

    “The nation is experiencing a significant period of economic weakness,” said Peter Orszag, director of the CBO, in a press briefing.

    The CBO’s estimate for the cumulative deficit over the next 10 years is now $2.3 trillion. Earlier this year, the CBO estimated the country would have a $300 billion surplus by 2018. But that was wiped out in part because of new spending approved by lawmakers for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and revised economic projections.

    And the 2.3 trillion figure doesn’t account for the likelihood that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts will be extended or that the middle class will continue to be protected from the Alternative Minimum Tax – or so-called wealth tax. If those extensions are made – and both presidential nominees have been calling for that, at least in part – then the 10-year deficit projection jumps to more than $7 trillion.

    Putting Fannie and Freddie on the books

    The agency’s latest estimates do not reflect the Treasury announcement this weekend that the government would temporarily takeover Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government-sponsored enterprises that form the backbone of the mortgage market.

    But Orszag said that come January, the CBO will be incorporating the activities of Fannie and Freddie in its baseline for the federal budget. The CBO will be working with House and Senate budget committees to address questions of just how transactions by both companies should be accounted for – the answers to which will greatly influence the net effect the companies have on the federal deficit.

    “The degree of control exercised by the federal government is so strong that the best treatment is to incorporate [the agencies] into the federal budget,” Orszag said.

    To allay one concern that many taxpayers have expressed, the roughly $5 trillion in loans that Fannie and Freddie own or back would not be added wholesale to the debt held by the public, Orszag told CNNMoney.com.

    “I don’t see a scenario in which you take a total of the mortgages backed and add that to the federal deficit,” he said.

    But beyond all these near-term concerns affecting the government’s debt load, he said the biggest challenge facing the country’s coffers is rising health care costs. Federal spending on Medicare and Medicaid alone is expected to jump 30% in the next decade – from 4.6% of GDP this year to 6% in 2018. By 2050, it could jump to 12% of GDP.

    As a result, Orszag said in the press briefing, “The nation is on an unsustainable fiscal course.”

  120. MsJoanne said,

    September 12, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    BRILLIANT!!! Thank you!

    Proof positive that everyone should vote GOP.

  121. culturepress said,

    September 15, 2008 at 1:38 am

    I know four people (by separation) who are actually “highly-educated” and voting Republican this year, and you couldn’t put any one of them in a room full of black or gay people. Enough said.

  122. sillybandzwholesale said,

    July 18, 2010 at 9:45 am

    Thank you for your sharing.It is very nice post.I like it so much.

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