End-Times Prophecies and More: How Electing Sarah Palin Endangers Your Life

What do Sarah Palin and witches have in common? A pastor. A pastor who is a witch hunter. What does Sarah Palin have in common with the End of Times? Right, another pastor. And then what is the commonality between Sarah Palin and violent church extremists? If you guessed a pastor, you would be again be correct.

This post is part vlog, part blog. It’s long. Kick back and watch, read, learn and become terrified.

[YOUTUBE= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk4JBDzlI2Q%5D

Ok, that was an odd story. Not so scary, just different. Keith often does odd stories. Usually, though, they are not about political leaders and their witch-hunting pastors. Keith Olbermann picked up on the witch hunter aspect of Palin’s speech, but neglected to cover the most terrifying part of this particular speech. Olbermann’s guest addresses it, but it winds up being glossed over. What is so terrifying? Palin’s reference to Revelations, the Prophecy, Alaksa’s role in the prophecy and the response from the pastor. This deserves much more attention. Much, much more.

By the time you finish this entire post, you will be horrified and terrified that Sarah Palin could ever possibly ascend to the role of Vice President of the U.S. (and very possibly President of the U.S.).

First, let’s watch the entire speech Sarah Palin gave as she spoke to the Assembly of God in Wasilla, a snippet of which was shown in the Countdown clip above. The entire speech is in two parts. What was shown on Countdown is part of the second clip (below).

Palin Speaks at the Wasilla Assembly of God Church – Part 1

I highlight some of the key passages below (along with the appropriate minute marks):

2.00 I can do my part in working hard for the pipeline. Pray for the Alaska pipeline. God’s will has to be done in unifying companies and people – but none of that does any good if the people of Alaska’s hearts aren’t right with God.

3.40 Pray for our military who are doing what is right for the country. National leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we are praying for and that that plan is a plan is God’s plan.

4.58 What comes from this church has great destiny.

5.20 A red-headed Sasquatch (missionary) for Jesus.

6.20 Let us pray god may give to you the spirit of revelation including the spirit of prophesy. God is going to tell you what is going on and what is going to go on. Good, good things in store for the state of Alaska. Let us pray for God’s will to be done here for all of your destinies to be met in this state. We are the head not the tail and I see things in the works that are coming to fruition, percolating, coming along. Praying for the outpouring of God’s spirit for the revival to be here in Alaska

Many of the above words and phrases, whichIdisplayed in bold, are code words which any believer would be able to quickly identify. They relate to the Book of Revelations, also known as the End of Times and Armageddon.

Palin Speaks at the Wasilla Assembly of God Church – Part 2

Again, key quotes:

0.23 (Pastor from the Master’s Commission) Palin declared some things that were powerful.

1.10 Prophetic declaration that unfolds the kingdom of God. A prophetic call.

1.40 God wants to tap into as a refuge to the lower 48. I believe Alaska is one of the refuge states, come on you guys, in the last days, hundreds of thousands of people will come to Alaska to seek refuge. The church has to be ready to minister to them.

2.15 (Pastor from the Assembly of God) Father we are humble and grateful and pray for your mercy we have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. Pray for Sarah for wisdom strength, for help unity and your presence will be so real that we will say this is a God thing…this is a God thing.

Palin is then presented a diploma from the MC offering a “Big thank you from the Master’s Commission.”

This speech resulted in Palin being placed under the microscope for improperly using state funds. She billed the state for airfare, food and other expenses for this weekend return to her home town so she could deliver the speech to students graduating the Master’s Commission program at her Wasilla Assembly of God church. Both she and the Lt. Governor were publicly blessed during the event.

From Talk2Action:

Saturday, September 7, 2008, McClatchy news service story detailing possibly improper use of state travel funds by Palin for a trip she made to Wasilla, Alaska to attend, on June 8, 2008, both a Wasilla Assembly of God “Masters Commission” graduation ceremony and also a multi-church Wasilla area event known as “One Lord Sunday.” At the latter event, Palin and Alaska LT Governor Scott Parnell were publicly blessed, onstage before an estimated crowd of 6,000, through the “laying on of hands” by Wasilla Assembly of God’s Head Pastor Ed Kalnins whose sermons espouse such theological concepts as the possession of geographic territories by demonic spirits and the inter-generational transmission of family “curses”. Palin has also been blessed, or “anointed,” by an African cleric, prominent in the Third Wave movement, who has repeatedly visited the Wasilla Assembly of God and claims to have effected positive, dramatic social change in a Kenyan town by driving out a “spirit of witchcraft.”

More on that African cleric shortly, but what about this Master’s Commission? Just what is this radical, extremist religious group all about? From the Master’s Commission website:

If you couldn’t watch the above, here are the key pieces:


  • The history of the Master’s Commission states, in part: Pastor Steve established a call to his young adults on the foundation of a radical pursuit of Christ and the joining of the generations to accomplish the purposes of God.

Leadership Values:

  • Leadership training is accomplished in the Master’s Commission through practicing servant hood and laying down one’s life for their friends.


  • To see young men and women develop and pursue intimate, effective and radical relationships with God, the Father, Jesus His Son, His Holy Spirit, the generations that have gone before them and one another.
  • To see young men be men who are not afraid to lead and are violent in their pursuit of righteousness.

There are Master’s Comissions throughout the United States. This is information on the Master’s Commission of Wasilla’s website (click on Videos). It is shown below via YouTube.

The long version follows.

The Master’s Commission at Wasilla AoG is an international program that replaces college with religious training grounded in Third Wave ideas. The senior pastor, Ed Kalnins was a graduate of the Original Master’s Commission Phoenix. (Source)

Not only is The Assembly of God associated with The Master’s Commission, it is also associated with Third Wave activities and theology. In fact, three of the four churches, including the The Assembly of God, where Palin was “saved and baptized” at age 12, are affiliated with the Third Wave, a movement declared heretical by the Assemblies of God in 1949.

Talk2Actoin says:

… Ed Kalnins, and Masters Commission students have traveled to South Carolina to participate in a “prophetic conference” at Morningstar Ministries, one of the major ministries of the Third Wave movement. Becky Fischer was a pastor at Morningstar prior to being featured in the movie “Jesus Camp.” The head of prophecy at Morningstar, Steve Thompson, is currently scheduled to do a prophecy seminar at the Wasilla Assembly of God. Other major leaders in the movement have also traveled to Wasilla to visit and speak at the church.

If you haven’t seen Jesus Camp or are unfamiliar with it, watch the following videos:

Ok, what about this Third Wave?

Rodney Howard-Browne is recognized worldwide as the source of Holy Laughter anointing to revivals around the globe. He has become a central figure in the Third Wave, also known as the New Apostolic Reformation, and is credited with bringing Holy Laughter to the Toronto Airport Blessing and the Lakeland Outpouring. Howard-Browne is also a long time associate of Mike Rose, senior pastor of Juneau Christian Center, formerly the Bethel Assembly of God. Mike Rose has been the Alaska State Legislature Chaplain since 1994 and has espoused Christian nationalist sentiments since that date, when he offered the following prayer, May 5, 1994 on the AK Senate floor:

“Our society’s rejection of Biblical principles and truth has placed our country in spiritual and moral jeopardy. Our need for revival and renewal is great, but you said in Your word, ‘If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.’ ” (Source)

What is Holy Laughter, you ask?


Everything noted above is associated with Palin’s church. Also associated with this church is the pastor referred to in the Countdown video that started off this post; (now a) Bishop Thomas Muthee, who is returning to the Wasilla Assembly of God in this month.

Muthee Returning to AoG in Wasilla
Muthee Returning to AoG in Wasilla

Thomas Muthee visited Wasilla Assembly of God and gave 10 consecutive sermons at the church, from October 11-16 2005. As both Palin and Wasilla AoG Head Pastor Ed Kalnins have attested, Thomas Muthee ‘prayed over’ Sarah Palin and entreated God to “make a way” prior to Palin’s successful bid for the Alaska governorship. Muthee made a return visit to the Wasilla Assembly of God in late 2008. (Source)

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Bishop Muthee started his church when God spoke to him.

The church begun in 1989 February, in Kiambu town as Word of Faith Church. This was after nine concrete months of prayers and fasting by Bishop Thomas Muthee and his late wife Margaret Muthee. God spoke to them when they were living in Scotland to come and begin ministry work in Kenya.

Also from Muthee’s church site:

Our Vision: Touching lives for total community transformation thereby taking cities and nations.

Projects: Over the years the Word of Faith ministries has endeavored to spread the Gospel of Christ through out Kenya. In order to realize a holistic approach, WOF has embarked on various projects that will affect the generations with the gospel, through disciplining, training and equipping per excellence.

From the Times Online:

The pastor speaks of his offensive against a demonic presence in the town in a trailer for the evangelical video “Transformations”, made by Sentinel Group, a Christian research and information agency.

“We prayed, we fasted, the Lord showed us a spirit of witchcraft resting over the place,” Pastor Muthee says.

Transformations cited four cities they transformed. In reality, many things went into the “transformations” which took place. Here is a detailed analysis. I did check the statistics of Hemet, California and crime is up in almost every category. Here are the crime statistics for 2003 and 2006. Cali, Columbia seems to be following that trend, too. This from a local Columbian discussion group regarding the safety of Cali for women traveling there.

BUT everyone knows that while crime in BOG(ATA)/MED(ELLIN) DECLINE the past several years, CALI took the opposit [sic] trend and crime went UP.

Perhaps the resident witches have been driven out, this is difficult to quantify, but the rest of the claims do not seem to hold water.

Sarah Palin believes that America was founded on Christian principles and that our Founding Fathers used Under God in the Pledge of Allegiance. That phrase was not added to the Pledge until 1954. Here is a video of grade school students reciting the original Pledge of Allegiance.

In fact, it has long been established that America was NOT founded on Christian principles. In fact, it was unanimously agreed upon in a Senate vote in 1797 – one of four such Senate votes.

“The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” – Treaty of Tripoli, by unanimous Senate vote in 1797

Let us look at what the Founding Fathers said about religion:

Benjamin Franklin:

“The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.” Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1758

“He (the Rev. Mr. Whitefield) used, indeed, sometimes to pray for my conversion, but never had the satisfaction of believing that his prayers were heard.”

“I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life, I absenteed myself from Christian assemblies.”

“Religious controversies are always productive of more acrimony and irreconcilable hatreds than those which spring from any other cause. I had hoped that liberal and enlightened thought would have reconciled the Christians so that their [not our?] religious fights would not endanger the peace of Society.” George Washington Letter to Sir Edward Newenham, (Note that Washington wrote “their” instead of “our” above.)

John Adams:

“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.” John Adams

“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” John Adams, Treaty of Tripoly, article 11

“But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed.” John Adams, letters to family and other leaders 1735-1826

Thomas Jefferson:

“Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined, and imprisoned, yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites.” Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia

“The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as His father, in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.” Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

James Madison:

“In no instance have . . . the churches been guardians of the liberties of the people.”

“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” James Madison, April 1, 1774

Abraham Lincoln:

“My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures have become clearer and stronger with advancing years, and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them.” Lincoln in a letter to Judge J.S. Wakefield, after the death of Willie Lincoln

And from a female American hero, Susan B. Anthony:

“The religious persecution of the ages has been done under what was claimed to be the command of God.” Rufus K. Noyes, Views of Religion, quoted from James A. Haught, ed., 2000 Years of Disbelief

“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” Susan B. Anthony, a Biography, 1988

Between End-Times prophecies, witch-hunting bishops who bless Palin unconditionally, without knowing her personally, only her church, to her ignorance of what this nation was and was not founded upon, and her desire to engage in more wars, including Russia, is this the person you want a heartbeat away from becoming the President of the United States of America?

More to see, this and this.

Cross posted at TheZoo.

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  1. Mel Keegan said,

    September 22, 2008 at 12:52 am

    Fightening stuff, isn’t it? Great collection of video, here: bravo! (We’re on the same wavelength — a few hours ago I posted along similar lines, ‘Sarah Palin: commander-in-chief at the end of days.’) The implications are staggering.

    I live in Australia but I have family in Alaska, California, Florida, Texas, North Carolina and Delaware. I have a nephew in the US Army, and his two sisters are about 12 y.o. … just starting their lives. Palin’s connections are very frightening, and the consequences, for the whole world, not merely the US itself, make your blood run cold.

    Dominionists?! “Joel’s Army” –? A few years ago, you’d have said it was sensationalist fiction. I wish it were.

    As a writer (mostly sf novels exploring futures with various gay themes, among many other human situations) I experiment with societal oddity a great deal … but who in the heck would want to see it become reality? We can only hope that, in these next weeks, US voters see sense.

    Mel Keegan

  2. Chris said,

    September 24, 2008 at 11:02 am

    Wow, I came here from another blog just to see what you were about… I wish you spent half the time it took you putting just this post together out in your community making your part of the world a better place instead of completing this massive, “scare-the-hell-out-of-me-you-need-earthquake-insurance-because-you-live-on-land” post together. If you believe all this and are this swayed by the crap that is out there, I have some beach front property in Arizona for a very good price… I mean, hey, I live in the South and am white. I am sure with enough “evidence” you could make me out to be a Klan member… Sheesh

  3. MsJoanne said,

    September 24, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    The truth is apparently too much for you to handle.

    It’s all there in words; her and her ilk’s own words.

  4. steadycat said,

    September 24, 2008 at 11:37 pm

    Sarah Palin and the present day road to the White House is getting even more frightening. If Buffy the Vampire Slayer was real, I would have to ask her to go check things out in the McCain Palin camp.

    Thanks for the info.

  5. GOPnot4me said,

    October 5, 2008 at 1:01 pm

    Chris, Much of my military service was in the South and the religious wack-a-loonery I saw there still disturbs me, many years later. Subsequent visits over the years show emblodened loons even more determined to make ‘revelations’ a blueprint for some sort of Xtian theocracy. Xtian dominionists and their violent bretheren, Joel’s Army, scare me more than foreign religious terrorists. They’re ALREADY here and willing to force their god down your throat at gunpoint. Remember, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

  6. joeedugan said,

    October 5, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    And Rev. Wright is the dangerous extremist.

    I had a college housemate (by happenstance, NOT by choice) who used to pick up girls in bars and sweet talk them home with him by using the line, ‘Hey I’m not Ted Bundy.” In his defense, he wasn,t, but it’s definitely a pretty low standard. The standard for what’s acceptable for white loony-tune right-wing Christianity is right down there with the late Mr. T.B.

    She should run ads, “Palin, She draws the line at Snake Handling.”

    Go ahead and e-mail me.

  7. MsJoanne said,

    October 5, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    There are many people who would love to see that Xtian theocracy shoved down the throat of every person on the planet. I often wonder if we’re entering into a new Dark Ages with religiosity forced down our throats and censorship of information (web 2.0? since the mass media is under the thumb of the ruling class), along with the out and out class war we are living in.

    Palin would love to ride in the end times as one of that ruling class. And I will die before any religion dictates what I think and believe. I am not religious but have no problem with any one who believes…but when you desire to mandate your specific beliefs on others (onto everyone!), I draw that line, a line which is immobile.

    Palin’s whole church makes Wright look about as white-bread as it gets when discussing religion. I happen to think that the majority of what Wright said was true. The whole goddamn America and chickens coming home to roost was all fact based if anyone has any clue about how we, as a country, have intervened and interjected our beliefs about how a society should be run as perfection to the detriment of most of the nations we inflicted it upon. We backed dictators who were friendly to what whomever was in Washington at the time always to the detriment of the people of those nations.

    I don’t know if we could reach much lower as far as standards when it comes to Palin. She is vapid, stupid, uninformed, ignorant, and belligerent. She is the worst of Bush and Cheney along with a radical religious zealot who makes Farrakhan look tame. She lies with aplomb which, along with her beliefs truly terrifies me.

    She is outrageously scary.

  8. GOPnot4me said,

    October 6, 2008 at 2:46 pm

    One pundit said Palin struck him as a Stepford fem-bot set on Extra-spunky.

  9. Sarah said,

    November 1, 2008 at 3:01 am

    I can understand how this would seem crazy to non-Christians, hahaah, but this doesn’t sound ridiculous, at all, to most Christians. Hear me out. 🙂

    We believe in the spirit world, and unfortunately, there is an evil spirit world. A witch is just another name for a person dabbling in that side… they get their “powers” from evil spirits… even if their intentions aren’t bad…. don’t believe me? Spend some serious time with a ouiji board and see what happens… just be sure to remember to call on the name of the Lord if you start seeing some seriously scary stuff, which you most likely will…. just know that if you do this, you’re opening yourself up to evil….. This stuff may “seem” harmless, but for those who spend time reading the Bible, they are warned against dabbling in this sort of thing…. which is why Christians know to stay away from these things.

    There is a lot more to our world than meets the eye, but as a believer in Christ, I’m not afraid of these things. I believe God is in control, and this gives me enormous peace and joy. Whatever it is you believe, I wish you peace and love as well. 🙂

  10. MsJoanne said,

    November 1, 2008 at 3:58 am

    Sarah, no, I cannot relate or understand, but that’s ok. I’ll never call you crazy for your beliefs. I just don’t share them.

    I wish peace and love right back atcha.

  11. Sarah said,

    November 1, 2008 at 1:02 pm

    Aw, thanks MsJoanne! 🙂

  12. November 7, 2008 at 8:20 pm

    Much of this can be left to symantics. If you assume by Christian modern day Evangelicals, then no, it was absoulutely not founded as a Christian nation. If you assume by “Christian nation” as the founders would have then the answer would be that the nation was founded upon the accepted doctrine of the Church of England then again no, it was not. Many of the Founding Fathers were by no means “orthodox” Christians by the standards of the day, in fact many were openly Diests. But even the Deists among them recognized God as being the God of the Christian bible. None of the quotations denied their belief in God but rather made the same point of state endoresed religion (directed towards the Church of England) as they did of governments of the day warning of oppression at their hands when endorsed and supported by the state. If they truly did not believe in God, then there would be no reference to a Creator, nor would there be inalienable rights. Rights that are given to man by a “Creator” cannot be taken away from men, only rights given by men can be taken away or restricted by man or the state.

  13. November 11, 2008 at 3:29 am

    […] me!! She was into a WITCH-HUNTER and they are end-timers. Not someone I want with the Nuke Codes. End-Times Prophecies and More: How Electing Sarah Palin Endangers Your Life Think Left. Live Right. I have other reasons too.. Like healthcare ect […]

  14. November 11, 2008 at 6:46 am

    […] me!! She was into a WITCH-HUNTER and they are end-timers. Not someone I want with the Nuke Codes. End-Times Prophecies and More: How Electing Sarah Palin Endangers Your Life Think Left. Live Right. I have other reasons too.. Obama’s healthcare is better, Obama supports Autism– when Palin said […]

  15. jean verite said,

    November 22, 2008 at 11:43 am

    I am a Believer (non-denominational). This vlog/blog is what i believe to be truthful reguarding the apocalyptic concept but strongly disagree of the projected outcome. During the chaotic-armegedon end of days the authentic christians all over the world are going to saved by going to alaska! That is rediculous and shame on whomever beleive in it. You want truth read the book of revealations.

  16. August 30, 2009 at 11:31 am

    […] In case you need more information, here is another link regarding Kenyan witch hunts, a blog discussing Bishop Thomas Muthee’s ministry from a feminist point of view and the third is just loaded with disturbing information.http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/06/12/kenya.witches/index.htmlhttp://irregulartimes.com/index.php/archives/2008/09/17/sarah-palin-how-is-stoning-women-feminist/https://livefrankly.wordpress.com/2008/09/21/end-times-prophecies-and-more-how-electing-sarah-palin-e… […]

  17. May 27, 2010 at 8:02 pm

    You’ve done it once more! Great article!

  18. Lovelygirl said,

    August 28, 2010 at 12:31 am

    I attended Master’s Commission in Phoenix, AZ, where the group was founded. It is in fact a crazy, Christian Fundamentalist group. I’m documenting my accounts there on my blog, and I have a guest blogger who attended Sarah Palin’s church in Wasilla, AK.

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